Showing posts with label architects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label architects. Show all posts

Space Architects is no longer an equal opportunities employer. Please no phonecalls.

Space Architects is an equal opportunities employer: we do not discriminate on grounds of specie, age, gender, colour, race, ethnicity, language, caste, creed, economic or social status or disability. Please no phonecalls.
Space Architects is an equal opportunities employer: we do not discriminate on grounds of specie, age, gender, colour, race, ethnicity, language, caste, creed, economic or social status or disability.
Space Architects is urgently seeking interns to work in Mars and Moon Offices
(autocad proficiency is a must, previous mars and/or moon experience is a plus).
Please do not read if you are not really qualified.

terra espaço lua


agora temos espaço
em breve teremos lua